Aurelio logoPlatform

Aurelio Platform

import os
from aurelio_sdk import AurelioClient, ExtractResponse

# From a local file
file_path = "path/to/your/file.pdf"

client = AurelioClient(api_key=os.environ["AURELIO_API_KEY"])

response_pdf_file: ExtractResponse = client.extract_file(
file_path=file_path, quality="low", chunk=True, wait=-1

AI Services


Document Extraction

Our proprietary document processing algorithm

PDF and video input, text output

Returns structured JSON

Fast and scalable document processing


Create coherent, RAG-ready chunks from your text data

Text input, structured text output

Advanced semantic chunking for optimal RAG

Simpler rule-based chunking available


Add sparse embeddings for hybrid vector search

Text input, vector output

Unlimited context length with BM25

Enable hybrid search for maximum relevancy

Start building


Embed AI services into your Python apps

pip install aurelio-sdk

API Reference

Learn about Aurelio API

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